
  • SAT 03/08/2025 - HERE'S THE KICKER - Gulfstream Park - R#7 - ALW - 1 MI - P2 /6 - Luis Saez - 3:51 PM CT / 1:51 PM MT

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Blue Devil Update - Needs More Time Off

Unfortunately, after returning to jogging with Susan Montayne at Sequel Farm, Blue Devil was noticeably off behind. Given he had just transferred to Susan’s place from being on the turnout for over 60 days at Lynwood Stables, Susan gave him a few days off, but he showed no improvement when at the jog. Susan recommended running some diagnostics (X-rays) on his hind end (stifles/hocks) based on what she was seeing from him on the track, and those came back clean. We had an additional set from our pre-purchase exam back in December to compare to as well. As nothing was learned, we opted to send Blue Devil nearby to Dr. Smith at Peterson and Smith for a full lameness exam. Following his exam, an ultrasound was performed, which revealed moderate ticking and a moderate tear in the medial lobe of the proximal suspensory ligament. A comparison ultrasound of the right hind showed a normal proximal suspensory ligament and further supported his left hind being the source of lameness.

We will discuss with our resident veterinarian Dr. Jeffery Berk and Dr. Smith to develop a plan moving forward, but unfortunately our son of Uncle Mo will need additional time. It’s certainly frustrating given he just received time off and there's no way of knowing exactly when this injury happened. When Blue Devil left Jeff Hiles's barn in January, he and his veterinarian deemed the horse sound. While he was not in training with Gene Recio at Lynnwood Stables, no lameness was ever noted. Perhaps it happened out in the field or the break from daily training drew out the lameness, but regardless we have an issue we need to attend to. Everything appears healable, but as mentioned above, it will require time. Once we have a final timeline and rehabilitation plan, we will report back. 

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