
  • SAT 03/08/2025 - HERE'S THE KICKER - Gulfstream Park - R#7 - ALW - 1 MI - P2 /6 - Luis Saez - 3:51 PM CT / 1:51 PM MT

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

A Couple of Firsts - Seize The Grey and Kindle '21

Both having arrived at their respective barns -- Seize The Grey at D. Wayne Lukas's barn at Churchill Downs and Kindle '21 at Mark Glatt's barn at Santa Anita -- the two colts both got acquainted with their new tracks today. 

Seize The Grey galloped a mile and an eighth easily and will continue to gallop daily for the next couple of weeks before beginning on a work schedule.

Kindle '21  took his first spin over the Santa Anita main track this morning. He jogged once around the surface with other Mark Glatt stablemates and seemed to enjoy the experience. 

Both colts were described as behaving professionally.

Great start, you two!

Seize The Grey with the iconic W.L. trainer's signage

Kindle '21 (middle with star/snip) on the Santa Anita track.

Kindle '21 taking a spin around the Santa Anita track
with his stablemates. (Chestnut with star and snip in middle.)

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