
  • SAT 03/08/2025 - HERE'S THE KICKER - Gulfstream Park - R#7 - ALW - 1 MI - P2 /6 - Luis Saez - 3:51 PM CT / 1:51 PM MT

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Seize The Grey Gets a Very Special Visitor at Gainesway Farm

Jaime Torres went to see Seize The Grey at Gainesway Farm where he will stand in 2025. They have a very special bond, and this is what he wrote about the experience of being "Ceasar's" jockey: 

"To the horse that taught me more than words can, the horse that showed me what a true connection feels like, that brought my career to new heights, that brought me to new places. To the horse that allowed my family and myself to experience so much joy. The horse that brought myself and so many others on a ride of a lifetime. The horse that showed me what perseverance and the biggest heart feels like. Seize the Grey will always have the biggest place in my heart. I will always get goosebumps when I hear the announcer say “Seize the grey, Seize the day” I will be forever thankful for this horse and the team behind him for everything they have given me. HAPPY RETIREMENT BUDDY 🥹 ❤ " 

Thank you, Jaime. Your words mean more than you can know. And we truly believe that you, being "Ceasar's" jockey made a huge difference in his career, too. Bonds like yours are rare indeed. 

I wish I could share the special photos and video from his visit, but this site no longer allows me to upload image content. :(  Trust me when I say, they are some of the most meaningful photos of these two and their journey over the last 16 months that we have in our extensive photo album. 

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